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coming of spring

image by Klyo murakami

“Let your expanding consciousness manifest the garden of your dreams”


All Life is Sacred & Precious upon Earth but it is ‘Birth’ where All ‘Magic & Miracles’ can be found.

lightning in a jar


“Love Water”

& God said….I AM the Living Water of the World


Strands of our DNA are in every living form upon Earth….All Life is a part of us & we are a part of All Life….

our Soul BEing has held more instrumental part of their birthing than we now know….we are

going to remember the true meaning of ‘Why’ All Life is ‘One’ & ourselves BEing a Creator in the growth & responsibility of Life Creation in Balance, Compassion & Companionship.



What does the Monkey say ?

What does the Fox say ?

the Power of ‘Peace, Patience, Observation & Balance’





A wise man once said that it’s our human nature to want things fast…..but speed is not always the right answer. The process to enlightenment is often a simple & slow path, allowing time for understanding, contemplation, acceptance & reflection upon the newness we are experiencing & digesting. Sometimes spinning does nothing more than make one dizzy….climbing a mountain of knowledge more over-stimulating than gently flowing down a peaceful stream  & never a good idea to eat an entire ‘Pie’ at one sitting ! A full satisfying bowl of ‘Patience & Equanimity’ is often not the top choice pick on the menu….but often times it should BE ! A quiet moment in the butterfly garden away from the parade….an explosion of fireworks soon dissipates to a black & empty sky, while a thoughtful gaze at a calm starry night can fill one’s soul with long lasting benefits. The process we All embark upon is in place in this way for a reason…..”I am choosing the speed & frequency that is best for me to BE in perfect alignment with my Divinity….growing, learning, knowing & re-connecting to the Divine & Sacred Life Energy of Creation…..Word I Am Word”

“Equanimity” is one of the most sublime emotions of Buddhist practice. It is the ground for wisdom and freedom and the protector of compassion and love… is the power of observation, the ability to see without being caught by what we see. When well-developed, such power gives rise to a great sense of peace….in India the word was sometimes used to mean “to see with patience”…..also “to stand in the middle of all this.” As a form of equanimity, “being in the middle” refers to balance, to remaining centered in the middle of whatever is happening. This balance comes from inner strength or stability. The strong presence of inner calm, well-being, confidence, vitality, or integrity can keep us upright, like a ballast keeps a ship upright in strong winds. As inner strength develops, ‘Equanimity’ follows.

‘7’ mental qualities support the development of ‘Equanimity’… can read more here –


rupture of the mother line

The truth is that becoming our real selves involves being messy, big, intense, assertive and complex; the very things patriarchy portrays as unattractive in women. 

Historically, our culture has been hostile to the idea of women as true individuals. However, each new generation of women comes with the hunger to be real.

The cost of becoming your real self often involves some degree of “rupture” with the maternal line.

We are being called to become true individuals, women who have individuated from the beliefs of patriarchy and own our worth without shame. Paradoxically, it is our fully owned individuality that contributes to a healthy, whole, and unified society. 

Contrary to what we’ve been taught, we don’t have to heal our entire families. We only have to heal ourselves.


The rupture is actually a sign of an evolutionary impulse to separate from the patriarchal threads of our mother line, to break the unconscious enmeshment with our mothers fostered by the patriarchy and become initiated into our own lives. The process of healing the mother wound is about finding your own initiation into the power and purpose of your own life. 

Bethany Webster – Womb of Life


Merging of '9'

the joining of physical to spiritual – blending duality into one

through Water, Earth, Light & the Honeycomb Grid of Creation